Story of ARIMEX social responsibility 2021
Continuing the annual tradition, ARIMEX presented the Overview of Social Responsibility 2021, which presents the most important events in the field of corporate responsibility. In 2021, the company implemented the biggest change by ensuring the highest quality of production and operational processes and promoting public health and environmentally friendly consumption.

"Sustainable and responsible thinking has been the foundation of our company's culture and values for 27 years. We strive to create and nurture a healthier and happier society and the environment in which we operate. Last year was no exception – we have implemented important changes in those areas of activity where our leadership is paramount. Currently, the world proves with every passing day that unity is the greatest strength, and in it is our greatest power. We are proud to be the company that has been focusing all its efforts purposefully and consistently for a decade to create a better tomorrow,” comments Arnas Jusrskis – the company’s founder and CEO – on the values that Arimex lives by.
In 2021, the company carried out its pledge to act responsibly following the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, focusing on the quality of production and operational processes, promotion of public health, environmentally friendly consumption, and ensuring economic stability.
Prioritizing quality
The highest quality of production has remained Arimex's top priority. One of the most important decisions of 2021 was to ensure that all Arimex production that is put on store shelves and reaches consumers would be without added sugar. "Before now, dried fruits were associated with a high amount of added sugar, but today the company's products do not contain it. We have invested in process improvements, and today we sweeten fruits in natural fruit juices, thus directly contributing to the improvement of public health,” says A. Jurskis.
The company has implemented an important change in the area of sustainable consumption of nuts. For the first time, a pilot project to reduce plastic bags was implemented in the RIMI retail chain at the initiative of Arimex. During which 5,000 plastic bags were replaced by ones made from recycled paper.
Last year, the company’s commitment to food safety in line with global best practices was confirmed by receiving the highest BRCGS AA level certification standard. The company has been maintaining this standard for more than 13 years.
Sustainable business ecosystem
One of the most important projects of 2021 was the development of a sustainable business ecosystem. Particularly strong support was dedicated to social assistance to raw material suppliers. "Vietnam and Bolivia are not just exotic names for the countries of origin of nuts, they are first and foremost local people whose sincere and long-term work brings Arimex products to our table," the responsible acting in the supply chain is presented by the CEO A. Jurskis
Last year, two important social projects were carried out, during which Arimex built 15 houses for people working in Vietnam's nut plantations, where cashews come from. The houses, which were assembled from wooden boards and did not provide even the minimum conditions of hygiene, were converted into 63-square-meter houses with the most important amenities at the company's expense.
Meanwhile, in Bolivia, a support fund has been set up in the province of San Jose (the place where Brazillian bertoletias come from) and, in partnership with Sustainable Bolivia, a drinking water tower has been built to provide running water to the local population. "This helps to combat the serious health challenges of the townspeople. Our efforts have helped improve the quality of life for about 180 local people," says A. Jurskis.
A healthier society
The year 2021 was marked by Arimex's significant contribution to the development of healthy lifestyle habits in society.
Particular attention was paid to education: about 100 publications were disseminated in the media on the topics of quality nutrition and healthy lifestyle; a national project was initiated in the country’s schools, providing 3 000 Lithuanian school children with information about healthier snacks. Last year, Arimex has supported 7 sports federations in the country, implementing more than 100 active lifestyle initiatives involving more than 20 500 people.
The company successfully continued the improvement of the working conditions of its employees, focusing most efforts on three areas: a healthy and safe work environment; emotional and physical health; fair pay, and equal opportunities.
Traditions of philanthropy
The year 2021 was also memorable because of the philanthropic activities of the CEO of the company Arnas Jurskis. The head of Arimex has opened the Adomas Galdikas Museum in Vilnius, which houses more than 260 works by one of the most famous Lithuanian artists, Adomas Galdikas, belonging to the private collection of A. Jurskis. With the opening of the museum, these artworks became accessible to the Lithuanian public for the first time. Also, the CEO’s collection of nutcrackers – 10 000 nutcrackers - had reached the Guinness World Record and became the largest in the world. The head of Arimex will donate his collection acquired over 20 years to Lithuania by opening the Nutcracker Museum in Vilnius.
"Today, are proud that by purchasing every package of our product, consumers are taking a step towards a more beautiful world and better tomorrow. After all, by choosing Arimex products, one not only benefits personally by eating healthy and high-quality food but also shows care for the environment, because in this way one is supporting our social responsibility initiatives, which we implement throughout the supply chain,” smiles the head of the company. A. Jurskis emphasizes that the support of consumers and partners in this path is very important. "The opportunity to move towards sustainable operation creates a strong backing for us, allowing us to be creators striving to achieve the result that we will leave for future generations," adds A. Jurskis.
You can find an overview of ARIMEX social responsibility here.