Attitude to employees

We believe that employees are the foundation of the company and a guarantee of its long-term success. We are concerned that people who work in Arimex feel valued, highly motivated and happy. We are proud that almost a quarter of all employees are with us for more than 10 years.
We constantly invest in improving their working conditions. We strive to make the workplace and the environment comfortable, modern, attractive and meeting all their needs. We do our best to minimise workload, invest in automation processes, and are specifically focused on occupational safety. The average salary paid by the company is well above the national average, and we use motivational tools to achieve even better results. Employees are further encouraged by various celebrations and other important business-related anniversaries.
It is very important for us that our employees are healthy and happy. On weekdays we provide free, healthy and balanced meals according to different needs of the staff. All employees are invited to become ambassadors for active life: we encourage them to arrive to work on bicycles, organise free sports exercises every week, partially compensate for the costs of sports clubs, and offices are equipped with fitness zones.
We encourage our employees to be conscious and responsible and to work creatively in pursuit of both individual and team goals. There is a non-smoking policy in all departments of the company.
One of the key priorities is the emotional health of the employees, thus we dedicate great attention to meetings, conversations and events.

One of our values is “Never stop! Constant improvement”. Therefore, we are highly focused on the upgrade of employees' qualifications, personal growth and professional development. Training, seminars, courses, meetings and events are part of our work routine that both motivates employees and ensures the company's growth.

In order to strengthen the team spirit of the people working in the company, we invest in fun and quality time together. We organise various events, trips and meetings, participate together in health events, and travel. This year, the company staff has already visited Jordan and Turkey.
We also pay close attention to employees’ families by inviting them to take part in company events and initiatives. We have a nice tradition of organising the Children's Day periodically at the company's premises. We come together 5-6 times a year to the cinema to watch the latest movies in a variety of genres.